Eyelid Surgery

More than any other facial feature, your eyes reveal the most about how you feel. When your eyes are bright and alert, you appear energized, well-rested, and in control. However, if you have lower-eyelid puffiness, dark circles or drooping upper lids, others may assume that you are fatigued, angry or unhappy.

If you believe that your eyes are making you look tired, sad, or older than you really feel, cosmetic eyelid surgery (also called blepharoplasty) may be the right choice for you. Eyelid surgery can remove the excess fat and drooping skin of the upper eyelids, minimize bags under the eyes and tighten the upper eyelid skin. The result is a more alert and rested appearance.

You'll find basic information about eyelid surgery in the following pages. However, the best way to get complete answers to specific questions that relate to your individual needs is to have a personal consultation with a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

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